
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Opening My eyes to the world of blogging:

When I started My blog it was just a whim that kept growing with time.. I never really thought about the world of opportunities that Open up too you when you join the ranks of bloggers out there. I do not profess to be a guru of blogging I have a long way to go before I get there.. But after joining . The sheer size and complexity (I use that term loosely blogging is actually very easy but there are a lot of options about what you use it to do) truly started to sink in.
I'm still looking at the tip of the iceburg and already I've learned so much, thats after just 3 days of going through sites and blog I found on slblogs.
Some might think that I'm just excited about making money, I will not say that I'm not enamored by that :P that would be plain untruthful, But the root cause for my excitement is more to do with being able to share my ideas and being able to meet more people who are as expressive if not more expressive than me. If you do read this I would like to hear what you think about this and other posts..


Anonymous said...

welcome mate

ROUGE-7 said...

thanks.. Tell me what you think of the posts.

Anonymous said...

I am the sort of hombre who passions to seek revolutionary stuff. Presently I'm manufacturing my personalized solar panels. I am doing it all alone without the help of my men. I'm using the net as the only way to acheive this. I stumbled upon a really brilliant website that explains how to make pv panels and wind generators. The web site explains all the steps needed for building pv panels.

I am not exactly sure about how precise the info given there is. If some guys over here who have experience with these things can have a peak and give your feedback in the page it will be grand and I would highly treasure it, because I extremely lav [URL=]solar panel construction[/URL].

Tnx for reading this. You guys are the best.