
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Try ,Try and Try again

Today was a rather uneventful day. So as usual i was lazing about at home chatting with friends. After being a rather uneasy third wheel in converstaion involving 2 of my friends. I suddenly relaised how incomplete the phrase

"Try , Try and try again"
I mean not taking away from the important message it conveys and all, but when you think about it practically it leaves out another important idea which shuld be related to it The idea of Trying a different approach each time. To often in life we come up against a barrier , obstacle , bump on the road or simply put a situtation which really throws a monkey wrench in to the machinatiom of your daily life. It is your actions in this situation that sets you apart from the rest of the pack.
It takes courage , valour and a strong heart and mind to face these situation and to win.Now you may not win all the time but its importanat you keep trying to win . Nut most importantly one must not stick with one plan and try to batter your way through the problem because you may see little success or worse that approach may cost you dearly in the long run. So trying varied approaches to the problem is key because it allows you a greater chance of success plus more importantly it Allows you to gain more understanding of yourself and of your strengths and limitations.

ANOTHER point to remember is one must never be pig headed and one must be able to handle defeat as a hero would with your head held high and one must be openminded to the opportunity to sidestep these obstacles when its is clear thatsurmounting them might be to costly.

Intelligence , courage, strength and Honor are virtues which should be cultivated in the new gneration.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

overview of Ruby Part 1

First of all Ruby is an interesting language basically its coding is composed of simple english sentences which can be understood by both computers and people. The thing to remember the syntax relies on using puncuation marks at the proper point. THIS IS IMPORTANT. On to the basics of ruby

Variable- in ruby any plain or lower caseword is a variable, it may consist of letter, digits or underscore.
eg rouge, 1242 or attack_foils
these are used to refer to things within your coding

Numbers- there are 2 types of number

        • Integers - for basic digits
            • in these you cannot use commas between digits
eg: 12 or 1000_000_000
        • Floats - this what decimal numbers are called in ruby any number with scientific annotaion can also be called a floa
eg 3.14, -808.08
String - Strings are any sought off collectin of characters whicj are surrounded by quotes
both double and sigke quotes are used to denote strings
eg : "I am the Darth Mara" & ' I wish '

Symbols - These are words thta look like varibles but start with a colon (:)
eg- :Anderson , :X1
They can be considered as lightweight strings which wont be written to the screen

Any Capitalized word is a constant in Ruby. They are used to insert unchanging information in coding
eg: Time , Array

Methods - Methods are usually attached to the end of a variable by a dot
eg : attack_foils.lock
if variables were the nouns of ruby then methods would be the verbs of it . so basically methods are action that can be omplemented on the variable.

To be continued

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


hey i found this link for a one click insatller for ruby on the windows XP platform . heres the link
this is a godsend for people jus looking 2 experiment with Ruby

Sunday, December 10, 2006


One of my brothers friends told me 2 chek out this programming language called ruby last week and i did.. and let me tell you i'm hooked on it. Its been around for awhile and its one off the few totally object oriented languages out there.. And the best part its completely free becuase its being developed under an open source liscence.. I'm including somesites any1 interested in finding out more should visit them ..

Well for the next few weeks i hope 2 learn more about ruby and i'll share it wit u all as i go along

Linking 2 forms in VB.Net and using textbox input from the first in the second

well it took me awhile to find out hw to do this properly but anyway its pretty simple to do this
Lets us take 2 forms Form1 & Form2 And we will call Form2 From Form1.. The coding for Form1 will involve declaring the textbox we will use as Shared Textbox..

Form1 Coding
Dim f2 As New Form2
Public Shared newname As TextBox

Private Sub cmdgoto_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdgoto.Click
'makes txtuser textbox the public shared textbox newname
newname = txtuser


End Sub

End Class

The line in red is the most important because it allows you 2 use the textbox commonly between the 2 forms

*after u add this to the first form u need not add any more coding 2 da second to initialise the above function mentioned in the heading .. ohh but wen u wnt 2 exit the program u must specify in the second form tht both form1 and form2 shuld be closed.

Lucky 7 Game Coding using

As part of my first year ICT practitioner Module I had to build this Lucky 7 gAME using it ws fun and engaging so i decided to share the coding with everyone(this is better thn saying i wanted to show off Grin ... HEY HOLD on i just said tht . Well nvrmind )

Public Class Form2
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'declaration of variables used by the program
Dim guess1 As Integer
Dim guess2 As Integer
Dim guess3 As Integer
Dim wincount As Integer
Dim spincount As Integer

Private Sub clearvalues()
'initialises the values of the count values and generates 3 random numbers
wincount = 0
spincount = 0
guess1 = (Int(Rnd() * 9) + 0)
guess2 = (Int(Rnd() * 9) + 0)
guess3 = (Int(Rnd() * 9) + 0)

End Sub
Private Sub rndvalues()
'calls randomizer function and generates 3 random values
guess1 = (Int(Rnd() * 9) + 0)
guess2 = (Int(Rnd() * 9) + 0)
guess3 = (Int(Rnd() * 9) + 0)

End Sub
Private Sub showvalues()
'displays the random numbers in respective label
lblguess1.Text = guess1
lblguess2.Text = guess2
lblguess3.Text = guess3

End Sub
Private Sub wincounter()
'checks each random number for the value 7 and displays the approriate message
If guess1 = guess2 = guess3 = 7 Then
Call incrementwincountby3()

lblmsg.Text = Form1.newname.Text & " " & "You have hit the JACKPOT"

If guess1 = guess2 = 7 Then
Call incrementwincountby2()

lblmsg.Text = Form1.newname.Text & " " & "You have a Double win"

If guess1 = guess3 = 7 Then
Call incrementwincountby2()

lblmsg.Text = Form1.newname.Text & " " & "You have a Double win"

If guess3 = guess2 = 7 Then
Call incrementwincountby2()

lblmsg.Text = Form1.newname.Text & " " & "You have a Double win"
If guess1 = 7 Then

lblmsg.Text = Form1.newname.Text & " " & "You are a winner"

If guess2 = 7 Then

lblmsg.Text = Form1.newname.Text & " " & "You are a winner"

If guess3 = 7 Then

lblmsg.Text = Form1.newname.Text & " " & "You are a winner"


lblmsg.Text = Form1.newname.Text & " " & "Try Again"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub incrementwincountby1()
'adds 1 to the wincount
wincount = wincount + 1
lblwincount.Text = wincount

End Sub
Private Sub incrementwincountby2()
'adds 2 to the wincount
wincount = wincount + 2
lblwincount.Text = wincount

End Sub
Private Sub incrementwincountby3()
'adds 3 to the wincount
wincount = wincount + 3
lblwincount.Text = wincount

End Sub

Private Sub spincounter()
'adds 1to the spincount
spincount = spincount + 1
lblspincount.Text = spincount

End Sub
Private Sub cmdspin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdspin.Click
'gets all the functions to run on the clicking spin button
Call rndvalues()
Call showvalues()
Call wincounter()
Call spincounter()

End Sub
Private Sub cmdexit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdexit.Click

End Sub
Private Sub cmdrestart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdrestart.Click
' calls required functions to restart application
Call clearvalues()
Call showvalues()

End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'calls procedures to initializes the values of the application
Call clearvalues()
Call showvalues()
lblwincount.Text = wincount
lblspincount.Text = spincount
lblmsg.Text = "Try your hand"

End Sub

End Class

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Team work

SO for ICT practitioner we had 2 work as a team 2 build some applications. it was a fun experiance .. I had a gr8 group Rajive , Geethan & Dilini. AKA. jiVE , Big G & Dil.
Well it ws 'nt easy and wel sumtimes it tried my patience butwe pulled through. I think we owe our success to rajive he always kept us focused and he managed 2 keep our spirits up. DIL and G initiallty tried 2 shirk the work. but thn we manged 2 iron out those problems. and we were stronger for that.
There were sum gudtimes like dil's admant stance 0n the colour blus and Jive's shadow play GRIN and well the many witty comments G contributed.
My team

Thursday, November 23, 2006

IIt LOG entry -(i've lost track)

Its official i've lost my mind.. I have 2 least 4 major reports to hand in , but today during my 4 hour break i played CARDS!!!!! yes of all things cards.. on a another note the last week i have realised tht human males and females unlike other anaimals put each other through the most horrifiying courtship rituals imaginable and thn throw it all away in the blink of an eye. it s both illogical and unexplicable ...

Well anyway my ownv\ views on the whole love thing are pretty cynical so i shall nt share thm here, suffice to say tht love and commiyments made when ur nt yet 21 are a dime a dozen and tht u shuld nt put much stock in thm . Enjoy life witout all these excess attachments and later on get in2 a relationship.. life is to short for u nt 2 try enjoy every min of it . and well wen ur growing up u need 2 enjoy iy 4 urself and nt as part of a coupl entity

Sunday, November 19, 2006

lazy weekend

i have noticed that wen u do not actually have a plan laziness keeps itself @ bay, but soon as u start somethin it hits you wit all da force it can muster. Its irritating wen tht happens. I think tht laziness is actually sum sort of restless spirit tht haunts the world looking for ppl who r about 2 embark on somethin important so tht it can impede watever they r abt 2 do.

I bet tht these must be diisembodied spirits of long dead philosphores who dont want theur theories disproven GRIN

anyways thts it 4 nw but nxt time u feel lazy jus think tht if u figth it off ur one step closer 2 makin sum old fart roll in his grave

Friday, November 03, 2006

WEIRD females

Have u noticed how most women automaticallty assume tht da universe revolves around them... They talk abt women empowerment but wen u treat thm jus like u wuld normally treat a guy .. they sudden;y go all " we r women and we hv ***s so we wnt special treatment"

I believe tht women shuld hv equal rights since they r human beings.. but if they wnt empowerment and all thn they shuld take da fact tht wen they ask 4 tht ppl will start treatin jsu da same as they wuld anyone else. aND tht they might lose certain liberrties we give'em coz they r female.

so ladies this is 4 u

Saturday, October 14, 2006

the end of the week

so i've got back possesion of the computer from my brother. he's off with my cousin gettin measured up for a suit for my cousins wedding. yes wedding bells are in the air for my family.. but i'm nt goin 2 go into tht..

I've managed to make A small vb program.. finally which is kind of cool. but i' kp putting of makin my journal.( oh yes b4 i forget i'm supposed to keep a journal for one of my subjects so i can make a PDP.. PDP= Personal development plan) GRIN i know i know .. but i think its a good idea.. Got my first serious assignment for the semester. hav e to asses dialog using PESTLE & SWOT tools. and make an overall report about dialog.. should be interesting( i hope0.. other than thtat life goes on..

searching for somemore stargate season rips. seriously i'm turning into A real sg1 freak.. kind of like Dr Felger in the series( watch episode 7 of season 6 and you'll know wat i mean).
Ciao for knw

Thursday, October 12, 2006

a long absence

hey hey... Man I never imagined that college be so hectic.. and da worse part is we are not doing anythn that tiring.I guess that we are tired from having so much fun. Umiversity is a bit of a shock for once its up 2us 2 structure our own education.. when they said lectures only guide they hit da nail on da head.. GRIN, its a bit scaqry but on the hand its feels really liberating..

After about 3 weeks of lectures I've made quite a number of friends so i'm sure that da next 4 years will be funfilled.. Our click although not the most fashionable one @ IIT. We ceratinly enjoy our selves a lot more than the others.(this may prove not 2 good in the long run but for now its ok i guess).. I really want to make A COMMITMENT TO BLOG every day.. and i intend to see that I stick to this.

as my friend R found out , this is not da season fo love.. Poor chap was pretty much crushed by this girl he likes.. Its sad to see but it is part of life, .

being chased of the pc in the lab willl be back later

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

day 3 orientation

Hd a really interesting lecture by da dean 2day.. How to be an effective student.. truthfully i came expectin a stuffy borin lecture tht wuld jus tell me stf i've already heard once. But our dean ws actually quite cool abt it he made interrestin and brought up alot of interestin points all in all he basically treated us lyk a bunch of young adults rather than a bunch of wet behind da years kids. Da word intro ws boring but tht did'nt mean we did'nt hav fun,,.

Yes well luks like gettin da seniors party done wil nt b easy bt i'm sure the rest of the batch will be up 2 organizing it GRIN. As 4 me i'm gonna seriously follow my deans advice.. @ leasy sum of it GRIN..

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

1st look @ IIT

wel well. aft 13 years of schooling i'm finally entering da major league education experiance.. yes urs truly is starting da most important 4 years of his lyf.. UNIVERSITY!!!!!!!!.. I enterd IIT wit a sense of excitement and a lil bit of anxiety. one does'nt attentd ur bro's alma mater witout thinkin abt da standards u must seek 2 attain GRIN. but all thoughts of tht were soon put out off my head coz i hd more important stf 2 concerntrate on. i.e not fallin asleep during da orientation lecture... wel aft tht we were introduced 2 our seniors GRIN,. well they seem lyk a an ok bunch. personally i did'nt mind da ragging period and i ws kinda proud off bein part of it although it ws kinda embarassing. But hey it comes as part of da uni experiance...
There r sum snotty nosed momma's boys who did'nt lyk it all i hv 2 say is tough!!!! for them

well i've gt thrugh 2 days @ uni .. and as luck wuld hav it i've got a couple of my skool buddies wit me so it luks lyk its goonna bea fun filled 4 years

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Return of Rouge-7

Its been months since i've added anythn 2 my blog(tht wuld be obvious), Finally finished wit my A/L's. AHHH FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. NO MORE PHYSICS CHEMISTRY OR MATHS for awhile GRIN. I'm enjoyin sum much deserved rest(my parents do not thinks so though). Ok so mayb i did'nt actually kill myself studyin bt trust me da tension involved kinda starts 2 wear u down aft awhile.

For those of u who do not knw wat A/L's means, A/L's standards for advanced level studies it an exam tht ppl sit b4 they get entrance 2 college it involves 2 years of smart and hard work. THAT IS WAT DA EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT AND MOST PARENTS WILL TELL U. Bt lda truth is A/L's is a cunnin engine wich allows da government in my country 2 not increase da number of gov campuses 2 meet da growin num of students in my country. SEE da whole point of a/l's exam thts jus da examination is 2 mk sure tht only abt 20,000 ppl get through frm abt 3 llakhs of students who sit da exam. Truly it is a concept tht must hv been born in hell. Ok a/l's is nt a bd thin i mean we nd higher studies and yes we shuld be tested throughly bt da fact is we spend 11 years in school b4 we cm 2 da a/l year ,during those p11 years we learn all souht of stf bt da only thin tht helped even a lil 4 a/l's ws my ability 2 count ,read and write, plus addition subtration , multiplication and division,tht ws pretty much it. WEN U MOVE ON 2 A/L'S DA GAP IN DA SYLLABUSES IS SO HUGE ITS INSANE AND ILLOGICAL THT AN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT WOULD ALLOW SUCH A THING, its quite unfair 2 expect 17 year olds 2 adjust so quikly, bcoz we dont EVEN HV TIME 2FREAKIN SIT ARD AND GAWK EVEN COZ FRM DAY 1 ITS FULL SPEED AHEAD, U JUS HV SUK IT UP AND DEAL WIT IT, it lyk u r taken frm da kiddies pool and dropped in 2 DA OCEAN FULL OF SHARKS AND TOLD NONONO U CNT SWIM DA FRESTYLE ,BACKSTROKE, BREAST STROKE OR DOLPHIN, so hw pray tell am i suppose 2 swim??? da reply u gt is "HEY U WERE SMART ENUF 2 GT HERE U R SMART ENUF 2 FIGURE THT 1 OUT, BY DA WAY STAY AWAY FRM DA SHARKS THEY CN BITE U KNW". u r left thinkin jeez thnks alot.

Too be fair though if u happen 2 hv gud teachers they will help u through it,

Frm my own experiance wat i cn say is tht , Is tht u find out about wat your really made out of wether u cn take da pressure da fear and nt giv in 2 it. wat i say is its nt abt ur passin or failing its abt hw u gt urself through those 2 years, coz ultimatly u learn wat tht it all comes dwn 2 "hw u roll wit da punches". u learn 2 rely on urself and really start 2 believe in ursellf. I KNW I DID.
If u cn walk away frm a/l's knwin tht u did ur best and never gave up no matter hw ever close u gt 2 wantin 2 giv up U HAV ACHIEVED SUMTHN.. and u cn say wit conviction tht u r sum1 who cn take da punches no matter hw hard they r .

I'll leave it at tht bt 2mrw da unfairness of exams will be revealed GRIN

Return of Rouge-7

Its been months since i've added anythn 2 my blog(tht wuld be obvious), Finally finished wit my A/L's. AHHH FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. NO MORE PHYSICS CHEMISTRY OR MATHS for awhile GRIN. I'm enjoyin sum much deserved rest(my parents do not thinks so though). Ok so mayb i did'nt actually kill myself studyin bt trust me da tension involved kinda starts 2 wear u down aft awhile.

For those of u who do not knw wat A/L's means, A/L's standards for advanced level studies it an exam tht ppl sit b4 they get entrance 2 college it involves 2 years of smart and hard work. THAT IS WAT DA EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT AND MOST PARENTS WILL TELL U. Bt lda truth is A/L's is a cunnin engine wich allows da government in my country 2 not increase da number of gov campuses 2 meet da growin num of students in my country. SEE da whole point of a/l's exam thts jus da examination is 2 mk sure tht only abt 20,000 ppl get through frm abt 3 llakhs of students who sit da exam. Truly it is a concept tht must hv been born in hell. Ok a/l's is nt a bd thin i mean we nd higher studies and yes we shuld be tested throughly bt da fact is we spend 11 years in school b4 we cm 2 da a/l year ,during those p11 years we learn all souht of stf bt da only thin tht helped even a lil 4 a/l's ws my ability 2 count ,read and write, plus addition subtration , multiplication and division,tht ws pretty much it. WEN U MOVE ON 2 A/L'S DA GAP IN DA SYLLABUSES IS SO HUGE ITS INSANE AND ILLOGICAL THT AN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT WOULD ALLOW SUCH A THING, its quite unfair 2 expect 17 year olds 2 adjust so quikly, bcoz we dont EVEN HV TIME 2FREAKIN SIT ARD AND GAWK EVEN COZ FRM DAY 1 ITS FULL SPEED AHEAD, U JUS HV SUK IT UP AND DEAL WIT IT, it lyk u r taken frm da kiddies pool and dropped in 2 DA OCEAN FULL OF SHARKS AND TOLD NONONO U CNT SWIM DA FRESTYLE ,BACKSTROKE, BREAST STROKE OR DOLPHIN, so hw pray tell am i suppose 2 swim??? da reply u gt is "HEY U WERE SMART ENUF 2 GT HERE U R SMART ENUF 2 FIGURE THT 1 OUT, BY DA WAY STAY AWAY FRM DA SHARKS THEY CN BITE U KNW".

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

the manual of the warrior of light

OK ppl u hav to get ur self a copy of this book IT's caled " the manual of the warrior of light" by Paulo coelho. Its is by far one off the most intersesting books i hav ever read. Its sought of like da PROPHET. except this is more abt leading a better life and becoming a warrior of light , basically becoming a better person. the ideas are put so simply and meanignfuly tht u cn hardly put da book down it is so absorbing,
In fact most books by da same author are da same . Anyway reading is an important ability to cultivate.