
Saturday, February 17, 2007


The last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic and for reasons that I cant quite understand I have not had any desire to update the blog, perhaps it was due to a lack of things to right about more to the point would be that the things happening around me were just tedious repetition of things that have happened before... But somethings have happened that i will touch on later .
The past week I have been trying to write out my journal for the subject Inter Personal Skills for Business, its all part of the PDP that I have to submit(This time I cant afford to muck around because my professor for this module will actually take a greater degree of interest in it).
Also I've been able to put some dark memories behind me thanks to a friends of mine(to whom I owe a lot) so all in all personally I'm not badly off.. But sadly the same cannot be said for my friends... I may have said earlier that the this has been a season for love and relationships. that has turned around and become a season of heart breaks It is sad to see it , but it certainly brings other people down to earth for it shows us that for relationships to thrive love is not enough.. In my case I see all this and thank my stars for sparing me from trials such as this . And truthfully I am angry that all of this is happening to my friends but I am forced to keep my mouth shut to keep the peace.
While my friends entangle them selves in the mysteries and miseries of love .. The country around us groans due to the harsh injustices that are thrust upon the population by those we have put our trust in and elected to public office.. These very same people who claimed to be our greatest friends now seek to become unchallenged over lords who suck the life blood dry form the people as the majority turns a blind eye.. It is a sorry state of affairs and is one that cannot be allowed to persist any more..
For now I leave you to with this thought.. should those who turns their backs on friends so that they may gain more favour , be trusted and respected. Honor and duty are hallowed traditions that cannot be cast aside for convenience

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