Sick Day
So my advice next time u think tropical paradise pack enough antibiotics to sink a battleshi
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A window into my life , A place for expression.. Welcome to my online retreat..
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Posted by
9:44 AM
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Posted by
2:58 AM
A wise man once said "You cannot blame the tree of the seed from which it sprung was rotten". this is something people seem to forget. Everyone of us in this country complain about corrupt and power hungry politicians and their seemingly inability too unite, some among us look at this predicament in wonder and try to theorize the reason behind such behavior. After witnessing the farce of an election process which was undertaken to appoint a student governing body for a particular educational institute I think we should cease our armchair reasoning and wake up to the facts. which are that
Our very nexuses of education are the points where this bloodthirsty and seemingly boorish political behavior comes to the fore. I mean if a group of 20 year old students have problems trying 2 elect a governing body , should we expect any better from the nation at large, If the future generation themselves cant handle the concept of power how can we expect any better of those we elect to parliament. Let me make it perfectly clear there is no single wrong doer amongst the above student body, what ever that occured was due to a failure off the collective nothing more nothing less.
If as students our generation can not understand the true importance of power and simply clamour for itso that they might wield it to their advantage without understanding the responsiblities and niceties that go with it. how can we as a nation hope for a better tomorrow. Truthfully I was made part of the proceedings , but I do not think the actions of most involved where correct. Not only did this situation throw in to light the sheer ineptitude of my generation when it comes to power, it also showed how little our generation has progressed in terms of being able to enter into a dialog to sort our the problems that arise between various factions. this inability to have open discussion is dangerous when coupled with the our lack of understanding of power. any hope for lasting peace goes out the window when such a situation arises.
There is no point in laying the blame. But a several questions nag at my consciousness
where did society go wrong?
can we change the future?.... what can we do? .. who do we look towards for guidance?..
The problem is obviously in the hatching pen of society. we must cleanse it or watch our country slide into ruin...
I think I know what I will do.. what will you do ?
Posted by
5:33 AM
this marks my third return after a long absence , this time though I will not make promises of being more committed or anything like that .. what can I say .. staying the course and seeing some thing through is something I need to work at . .
BUt I can safely say this though.. I have plenty of material to blog about everything from the happenings at college , the state of the country and most importantly the weirdness of my life.
I cannot say that I was really busy these past few months. I guess I just did'nt have the urge to blog .. in fact I can say that the drive within me to do anything at all for tht matter.
well ryt now I;m off 2 take a long shower and unwind.. traffic on da way home was horrible and well the day was just tiring (it may be just in my mind but that does'nt change the fact that its there :D)
Posted by
8:59 AM
Growing up in society you constantly told that making friends is important and you must pick them carefully. So as you go through life you pick up alot of friends and some of them stick with you through your long journey but most fall by the way side. going on to follow their own paths.
Is friendship that important. do they not harm your individual existence. I mean in this country especially after you get into a click of friends they expect you too conform to the group standard. True you became part of the group because you did conform , but times change and so do people right. I say this because I noticed my friends doing the same thing. they want you to do this and that and they have fun but too you its just a lame exercise ..
I understand doing things as a group but it thought groups of friends were suppose to understand each other and relate to each other. So it seems to me that people who call themselves friends but take away from your individuality are not friends but acquaintances.
Maybe in life we never really have friends or maybe we just have a few true friends who we truly relate too. or maybe i'm just anti-social and dysfunctional and have got it all wrong.
What do you think.
Posted by
10:30 PM
Labels: Friendship, Life
I dont think the recent weather in my Island home qualifies has a heat wave.. but man it has gotten quite hot.. and with the heat the an assortment of skin irritant and boils seem 2 erupt out of no where. The strange thing is the places these things come up in are so weird and random. i think it maybe payback for all the times I laughed at my friends when they suffered from boils and so on. Anyway itchy scratchy aside. I did enjoy the weekend . spent some time with some of my bro's friends playing board games and noting down some strange behavior in 25 - 26 year olds.
You know how when your small it was always about fighting to stay up late as much as you can .. Well growing does'nt seem to change that except instead of just staying up its about staying up and staying out of the house as long as you can. Over the weekend I came home at around 3 am and felt all aglow inside, I swear I even had a lil spring in my step.. maybe the novelty of this will wear of in time or maybe It was the island getting to me ..
Posted by
6:17 AM
Labels: Life
Hey to all you bloggers who want to know particular color codes to use in customizing your blog design heres a good site to check out
it helped me alot ..(pls take note of my new font color.. :D)
any comments about the new font color or comments about my post is appreciated
Posted by
7:34 AM
Labels: Blogging tips
You don't truly realize how messed up motorists in Sri Lanka are until you get behind the wheel. As a veteran traveler of the preferred public transport system in SL aka Buses I did know that well something was a miss :D. But last Sunday I truly gained a whole new insight in to the matter.
As a new driver (I got my license two months ago, but we all know how strict the driving test in the country is right WINK) I still have much to learn as my father says so often. In a break of tradition my dad decided to let me drive for a longer stretch than normal along the negambo road, Seeing that it was sunday and past 2:00pm i figured "what could go wrong" and prepared my self for nice stroll of a drive...boy was I wrong.
5 mins in to the drive out of no where a three wheeler materializes out of no where and cuts in front of me the innocent driver who was sticking to the speed limit. that miscreant has the gall to show me a certain finger and ask me where I was going(i of course could not frame suitable reply bcoz 1) my father was next to me 2) I was having kittens trying to break and avoid stalling the car). then there was the bus that decide to accelerate when i was trying to turn across the road(that one really made my blood run cold). i could go on foreve about my drive. bUt ultimately I came to several conclusions
Posted by
7:14 AM
I am still a novice to blogging and an am still leaning the ropes as it were. I came across this nifty trick that I used on another blog I'm using to display java projects I do for My SCJP certification process( this particular blog the space or width of my blog post was not enough to display the content I uploaded.After doing a Google search I cam across a method of adjusting the CSS template IT is quite straight forward.
Go to your dash board and click on the "Layout" tab and then on the "Template" tab you should then see the CSS template of your blog.. I'm sure you will be familiar with these steps, but in the spirit of trying to be through please bear with me :).
Before you do anything SAVE A COPY OF YOUR TEMPLATE in case of any mishap..
Now in your template sroll thrugh it looking for a section of the code that looks like whats given below#main-wrapper {
background: $mainBgColor url("") no-repeat right top;
#main {
padding:15px 20px;
#sidebar-wrapper {
background:$sidebarBgColor url("") no-repeat left top;
in the above coding I've marked to lines in red these two lines set the width of your columns the one which comes under "main wrapper" is the one which controls the width of your blog You are free to set it to any amount so long as the sum of the post width and the side bar width are less than the total blog width
well after that you can experiment an dsee what works for you ..happy blogging people
Before I forget.. i should give credit to peter chen for having the original post on ow to this editing for more info GO TO HIS blog (
Posted by
11:15 AM
Labels: Blogging tips
I've been away from my blog abouut a month.. and sad too say I cannot blame a busy schedule for keeping me from blogging... I don't really know why .. but I didn't feel driven to do anything about this blog. It all comes down to me not being able to see something through to the end.. without some one holding my nose to it.. it shames me to admit it but I cannot run from it any longer.. Well wallowing in self pity will get me no where..
today was a day spent at home recuperating from all the running around I did the day before, the day before I went with a friend to watch rush hour 3 followed by a couple of rounds of pool with some friends.. it was a fun day although it did drain a lot of my cash reserves.. What can I say life is getting expensive. (I really need to get a job :D)..
A word of advice too those planning an outing with friends, if you can get one of your friends who has a car to bring it along . you can save time that way.
oh and abpout rush hour .. I recommebd the film too all those who want a good laugh ..
Posted by
6:42 AM
Have you noticed how life starts to fly by as you grow older. This has become increasingly apparent since this is my b'day month. So when the 7th of July did come around It was on me so fast I had forgotten that it was my birthday. But thanks to my friends I could'nt forget it completely with all the wishes that were coming via sms.
Every kid thinks that after you turn 18 that your an adult.. but in fact you are only taken seriously when yu turn 20.. I'm serious when you tell people your 20 you can see the change in their eyes..
TRUTHFULLY though i feel no different. its interesting how no mater how you change in others eyes, in yours you always stay the same. you may feel a lil different but all in all you feel da same.
As for my magical 20's experiance.. It has been a blast so far. with one of my friends trying to break up with her boyfriend, asking me for advice about it too my two nieces who came down.
they are the cutest things I HAVE EVER SEEN .. ok ok so they have me wrapped around their little finger but I dont mind.. sweet things that insisted I take them for a walk about.
I also have passed to my second year in my degree wich was a great relief. thts it for now.
Posted by
9:56 PM
Over the past two days I was taking part in the FOSS (free open source software) event called FOSS ed .. And man it was an experience .. The event was about implementing open source alternatives which can be used on windows.. I'll not cover the concepts behind all this but anyone interested in the details should check this link out
Anyways the event was the first time I attended aN FOSS event or any open source for That matter.. I should tell you that i grew up with windows and have never used anything else. but after the conference, I am seriously looking at using Linux. God knows they have made me a convert.. I dunno why but open source seems unspeakably cool, I think it has something to do with all the movies I watched has a kid about the computer geeks running around with a box and tht command line open an typing in code to thwart the evil plans of the malicious character in the film. OR maybe its the fact people associate hacking and all with Linix users, This latter parallel is completely off though open sourcers refer to hacking as a clever programming technique and our definition of hacking actually means CRACKING a system which is something they frown upon...
But The topics were'nt that interesting sometimes but the bit on web security and browsers and content management systems was pretty interesting .. and some of the speakers like suchetha and mifan really stood out..
I guess another thing that made the whole thing worth it was the venue.. The HNB tower simply has the best view of the park in colombo.. it just made for a really relaxed atmosphere..
On the whole the topics that were touched upon really opened ones eyes to the bigger picture that we more often than not miss. from the two days I spent I come away with clearer picture of how exactly open source software fits in to the software market and just how far propitiatory software companies collaborate, The interesting thing was I never realised that there where so many opensource alternatives available to be used on non open source platforms.
I'm pretty tired out from the day so I'll give you a more lenghty brakdown of the two days later
I wish to say that all in all FOSS ed was an experiance that was worth it and that these kind of events are jst the ticket to get more people to embrace the open source culture. and I am definitely going for the next FOSS event..
P:S as students we measure goddness by fodd.. and let e just say that the food was good and they kept us well fed :D
Posted by
10:19 AM
I find myself being tossed around like a ship in a storm. This is not surprising since life is kind of like a journey into the big blue yonder. and like any voyage of note is fraught with danger from storms and reefs, in life some of the storms you encounter are in the image and vein of APHRODITE , or to put it simply the two legged beauties who would steal your soul with a glance ( OK so that seems a bit too much) I'm talking about the girls who come sailing in to your life and throw you off completely. I;m sure every guy has experienced this. These tempest are ungovernable and appear when you least expect it.. I'll not say that they are all bad , but they do mess you up pretty badly if you let them. And more often that not they do not appear as storms but rather as pleasant weather pattersn which will turn into a storm when your not looking. Ofcourse unlike real life storms thet dont feed of low presssure systesmor what not infact we males are the ones who suply what they need to tturn into storms.. I'm talking about all thsoe complex emotions and feeling that come boiling out of us all of a sudden.
There I was quite happy with my self just sailing my ship enjoying the waves and the sun and out of the blue Now I stand 4 feet deep in water being tossed up by the storm that caught me, sadly this time I saw this coming but I had not counted on it being this ferocious, In my arrgonace I thought I could sail through it sadly now I see the folly in my plan. This female has me confused and lost. But not in a completely bad way. What can I say I'm not sure what aI feel all I know is that my ship is getting hit by massive waves cested with anger jealousy and a myriad of other emotions. part of me wants to see the storm thorugh while another part of my mind tells me that I should turn around. Some times I wish I could turn back time and sail around the storm while sometimes I think ot meeting this storm would be a mistake,.. alas you can see the predicamemt of this poor mariner.
I wonder if this happened to Adam when he met Eve??? It would be nice if life was simple and the whole thing between girls and guys was clear and cut.. all I know for sure is that I'm close to drowning IN one sense or the other. I pray for a lil luck to cme my way , because I would be sad tolose what is at the heart of this storm.. sounds hopeless I know but what to you expect from an optimistic and hoplessly romantic poor salior..
MaybeI should talk too the storm
Posted by
10:08 PM
Its been almost a month since I last blogged .. Its the sad story of my life but i keep saying from now on I'll blog regularly but I end up not blogging for ages, I cannot remember when I became a procrastinator , but I think began ome time after my 18th b'day.. But when it began is immatireal the point is that it must end. I am no longer willing to just let my life slide away fom me, I want to be back in control.. The hardest part fo me is admitting that I lost control in the first place. (Takes a deep breath). I do not know who will see this but heres the truth for the lastfew months other than my studie I 've pretty much just floated along like a ship lost at Sea.. anyone looking at this blog will propably realise that. I mean a simple example . my blog content keeps jumping from tech related stuff to my crazy mutterings about life. I think I wuill continue in this vein but mostly I'll stick tothe crazy happenings in my life. I will start a seperate blog that will deal with my experiance in learning ruby and my other adventures in the relam of programming.
Essentially what I'm trying to do here through all this is sort out my plan for life. because I can no longer simply stand by and dream. Nor can i stand stil in because I fear failing top achieve my dreams. What do I WANT TO BE?? i want to be several things some of them connected to each other some not . THE time has come to decide what I want to be, I have not figured it all out but there are several things that I have decided.
Posted by
8:57 PM
Labels: Life
after a long time i find my self writing about my latest testing experiance with windows XP 2003.. I know what your thinking what away to start a new blogging cycle. Anyways I'm sure many others have come across this problem in windows .. tou know the blue screen saying system faliure with the words UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME. IF you look online you will find various solutions which tell you 2 get to windows recovery console. But i'm sure you may have sometiems come across my problem which was that thesystem kept restarting and it continued looping back to restart . Even inserting trhe windows cd wont work.. The reason beinging that your OS partion has some how become unreadble due to the fact that its file fprmat cannot be read(god kows how that happens)
What you do is this get another hard which is running Windows slave your drive to it boot up windows and then through system tools get to the recovery console and run chkdsk/r in it , your problem should be solved instantly. without any loss of data..
]Hope this helps.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Posted by
9:15 PM
Aloha! friends and visitors....
Been busy at college trying to figure out UML and SQL (YES we do some seriously hardcore stuff at uni GRIN) with the semester nearing completion we are rushing around finishing up or trying to finish up coursework.. truthfully some of us have not even started on the given assignments but no worries all will be well after some late night brainstorming sessions at Uni. Anyway I was trying to finish up some tutorials for my database lectures and it was about 1am in the morning I was feeling restless but did'nt feel like doing any thing serious either.. so having nothing better to do i went to my hi5 and was checking out some of my friends profile and comparing their happening profile layouts to my boring one , I decided that my profile had long been neglected enough , I visited some of the sites offering all those flashy texts and funky plugins for hi5 layouts and checked them out, and I'll tell you there are whole heap of them out there.. while trawling through these sites I came across this particular website that offered to generate you own custom profile , which ws interesting seeing that some of the premade ones on offer are already used by about a thousand other people.. thinking a one custom profile would give my profile a more individual look I decided to try my hand at generating my own profile.. the generator was a godsend because it freed me off the pesky task of writing lenghty HTML code which I truly suck at (its all those goddamn tags .. I cannot for the love of god keep track of them ).. anyways I made my first profile and uploaded it and fell in live with my handiwork :D .. So I thought"why not make another one".. big mistake ... to date I've lost count of the number of profiles I have created IT IS ADDICTIVE ..
Basically I'm blissfully losing myself in Layout land.. Its quite simple actually you search for a background image that suits your taste or you can upload an image to a photobucket account and then go to the online editor add the image and then select a colour scheme that you like.. after this its you creativity that comes into play.. you can get lost in all this for hours .. god knows I did.. but its all good fun ... any one interested in custom layout should visit pimpmyprofile
or Hi5decor..
But be warned you might find yourself up at ungodly hours editing layouts.... have fun and be creative...
Posted by
10:24 PM
Posted by
6:49 AM
Yesteday I had a very pleasurable break form the rat race of life with a couple of my friends.. Its amazing how a simple thing like having ice cream can help to ease stress levels, plus it was just fun 2 sit back and have a small chat over ice cream.. So in the midst of the clincking of teaspoons in bowls , This thought came to me.. No matter how confident you are of your self, you always have certaing guarded demeanour which might be obvious or not obvious and although we grow use to it , it is a burdensome thing to have and it is a rare thing to be in company that allows you to let all those guards down. yesterday while I was with this friend of mine I could just relax and be free for awhile, it was like having a refreshing sea breeze wash over you :).. which is why I hope that I will be able to continue to meet up like that every now and then.. Talking about friends and relationships.. My Inter Personal Skills lectutrer ws discussing groups and relationships in the world brought up an interesting point, which was that any relationship no matter the its nature wether it be between parents and children or lover or married couples .. you have to work to keep the relationship afloat.. This is something I believe to be true with just one important addition..
If a relationship is truly special and worthwhile and it does mean alot to the people involved , then due to the mutual understanding between the two people or group of people , the actuall work you have to put in to make it work will be minimal and sometimes it may require herculean efforts to maintain it due 2 various reasons, you would not hink twice about putting in that effort and when you are enganed in the act of trying to make it work , it'll seem like the effort is but a small thing you are doing for the other person and if the other person or persons in the relationship see what you are doing they will meet you half way to ease the buredn and help you make it work out. I relaise this may seem like utter romantic and impractical drivel(so if it is please say so) but I really think if this happened more often the world would be a better place.. The least number of people in a realtionship is 2 . therefore to make it work they both have to put in an effort hence the saying "It takes to hands to clap".. But at the end of the day if the relationship means that much to you as a person .. you'll find a way to see that the realtionship is longlived..
As I an writing this several of my friends are undergoig trying time sin their own relationships.. some wit parents and other with their special male and female friends.. and it saddens me to see them thus.. what I have to say is that if they believe it worthwhile to continue 2to try to work it out they should but if not they should let it go with dignity.. as for parents.. what I say is this.. dont lose your parents because at the end of the day they will e the only people who stick by you through out (Unless they are completely irresponsible parents).. I was told you should try to maintain a good relationship with yur parents if you can becaues their blessings do enrich your life more than we as children will ever know(this is a topic I want to discuss later..But i'm nt saying we capitualte to all their demands GRIN,... more on that later)
To cut to the chase as it were.. Realtionships are things that we cannot escape and we should'nt escape .. because they are things that helps us through our darkest times and help us share our joy when we need to so simply as far as possible be honest in your realtionships.. and try to be fair in them.. try to be a better person through them and you will become more than you though you could be..
Posted by
6:18 AM
The last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic and for reasons that I cant quite understand I have not had any desire to update the blog, perhaps it was due to a lack of things to right about more to the point would be that the things happening around me were just tedious repetition of things that have happened before... But somethings have happened that i will touch on later .
The past week I have been trying to write out my journal for the subject Inter Personal Skills for Business, its all part of the PDP that I have to submit(This time I cant afford to muck around because my professor for this module will actually take a greater degree of interest in it).
Also I've been able to put some dark memories behind me thanks to a friends of mine(to whom I owe a lot) so all in all personally I'm not badly off.. But sadly the same cannot be said for my friends... I may have said earlier that the this has been a season for love and relationships. that has turned around and become a season of heart breaks It is sad to see it , but it certainly brings other people down to earth for it shows us that for relationships to thrive love is not enough.. In my case I see all this and thank my stars for sparing me from trials such as this . And truthfully I am angry that all of this is happening to my friends but I am forced to keep my mouth shut to keep the peace.
While my friends entangle them selves in the mysteries and miseries of love .. The country around us groans due to the harsh injustices that are thrust upon the population by those we have put our trust in and elected to public office.. These very same people who claimed to be our greatest friends now seek to become unchallenged over lords who suck the life blood dry form the people as the majority turns a blind eye.. It is a sorry state of affairs and is one that cannot be allowed to persist any more..
For now I leave you to with this thought.. should those who turns their backs on friends so that they may gain more favour , be trusted and respected. Honor and duty are hallowed traditions that cannot be cast aside for convenience
Posted by
2:07 AM
Today for the second time in my life i heard a song sung that took my breath away.. I dont know what the song was called but it was extremely touching and the group who sang it were quite talented as well. I was the rehearsals for the college talent show today and hearing that song was definitely the highlight of the day. The whole day was a fun filled day with lots of laughs for us all and i'm sure we'll remember them in times to come.
Anyway talking about the song, it was one of those songs which stops all your worries and just hearing it leaves you with a warm feeling inside you :).. Simply put it lifts you up and gives you wings ..
It is truly amazing what music can do for you. It can drive you deeper into jthe quagmire of depression or raise you into the height of ecstasy. it can soothe the mist griveous mental wounds and water both hate and love in a persons soul. The sound of music is truly a wonderous thing.
so next time your down and out just put on a CD kick back and let the music soothe your troubled mind....
Posted by
2:26 AM
In Greek mythology .. Humans were supposed to have initially had 4 arm , 4 legs and a single head with 2 faces but Zeus fearing the power they enjoyed by being embodied thus .. split them in half and condemned man to spend his day searching for the half to seek completeness of soul...
Another myth tells us of the importance of the union of both male and female souls to maintain balance of life.. and through this union both persona achieved growth and development on phenomenal levels..
Which brings me to what I'm trying 2 say ... Males in our society are perceived as being stronger than women.. but is that really the truth .. Are we superior or better than them.. I do not think so .. I believe that we both have roles to play each have their own strengths and weakness .. and the strengths and weaknesses in both compliment each other such that when there is union of male and female in spirit the two of them can surmount any obstacle in their path.. I do not write this with any sense of romance in fact i am in a dismal mood right now.. (A story for another time).. anyway my point is this .. the union of male and female may not necessarily be in a romantic sense . it might involve a friendship as well .. the core of it is that both people help each other and they may feel complete around each other and that is something all of us should wish for.. I am not saying that people are incapable without finding the other half of them.. it is just that.. and life for them might be a bit more sweeter.. (That maybe a romantic notion but then it just might be true :)
If two people can find this balance of spirit between each other .. I think just maybe together they could change their part of the world and in doing so influence greater change in the world.. being alone in spirit is not the most pleasurable thing in the world although we do seek solitude often in life , but prolong this solitude and you will find that life no longer hold the prospects it did.. But if you find a kindred spirit even for a brief moment .. that moment might stretch for an eternity and life for that moment may seem filled with possibility.... it is a great thing to find your other half.. and today i AM the happiest because one of my best friends has found his kindred spirit and that spirit to is a friend of mine ..
I hope that both of them carry on and light the way for the rest of us who are not as fortunate as they are .. may their bond give the rest of us the hope we need to get through life.. and may the two of them find and keep the delicate balance of spirit between each other.. so that they might change the world together.. R and E .. this one is for you...
So basically its this .. if u should ever find a kindred spirit try 2 find and keep the delicate balance of spirit and soul .. and together face the world beyond the two of you ...
Posted by
2:39 AM
mythology tells us of cupid an innocent cherub who wreaks havoc on the hearts of moratls by firing an arrow which inuces love between people of the oposite sex..
that aside .. its impossible to say who you will like and when you will start to like someone.. Not to say that it is completly beyond our contol.but mostly it happens like a lighting strike out f the blue.. Cynical though i maybe.. in truth I do not totally despise the idea of love and all that it entails.. some days it means everythn to be able to step back and daydream a little about that special someone you like so much :)..
Mostly I do not think that cupid is totaly to blame.. I think ultimately the ball is in our court .. ok so maybe love at first sight is farfetched .. but love may spring from the bond between to people .. of course this bond must be special .. And i think this bond is called friendship .. now that does'nt mean that every guy will start falling for all his friends who happen to be girls or that a girl will fall for all her guy friends.. But every now and then for each party there will come along a friend who is both special and more than a friend to them .. it may be apparent from the start or it will become clear in time.. but whatever the sequence of events .. the basic idea is this.. Unlike puppy love and all the other romantic notions this sought off relationship has a firm foundation from which it can launch itself and that foundation is layed every day by the two friends coming closer to each other and sharing life together,, but still managing to keep each others individuality intact.
I guess when this sought off thing happens between friends it is both a wonderful and ugly thing .. because on one hand there is the opportunity of enriching each others lives and on the otherhand they may fear that all this might ruin their friendship and lead to them losing a cherished friendship... Now what should be done is up to the individuals involved ..let me share some of my thoughts with you ...
I think that a relationship which has friendship as its basis is stronger because of that.. becasue then is some degree of understanding between the two people at least.. and if two friends should end up in this situation and if they r good friends they should be able to discuss it and come to some sought of resolution..
but anyway bottom line cupids arrow sometimes has help from us.. and well i u shuld fall for sum1 remember ... understanding and respect r key for the relationshuip to survive ... oh and patience to GRIN
Posted by
11:11 AM
In 1930 an a former lawyer in India led over a thousand follower to peacefullyy protest a tax imposed on salt by The british who ruled Indai at the time. With this act he initiated the peaceful protest againast tyranny by massive civil disobediance- Satyagraha
With His simple principles Mathma Gandhi sowed the seeds that eventually saw India gain independence. No what I have to say is not about independce .. The world over Gandhi is admired and The name spoken with repect , yet we do not try to hold to his belief not about civil disobediance.. for Mahatma taught more than that or his charater exemplified more than that.. Gandhi showed that even resistance can be doen [passively and peacefully. he showed us the virtue of patience and the virtue of thining peacfully .. Why can we no t follow his example.. never did he condone acts of violence even if they were in the name of freedom neither did he condone violent debate. He believed in peaceful resolution at all costs.. Why did he think thus .. I would like to believe that Mahatma gandhi realized or saw that the only lasting solutions can be found through peaceful dialouge. nearly 70 years have passed what have we to show for It NOTHING . we have a whole bunch of gadgtes. but as human beings are we any where close to the vision gandhi had a vision shared by Martin luther, Nelson Mandela etc.. NO WE ARE NOT we have globe torn asunder by war . we have countries being turned inside out by internal bickerings.. Humanity suffersBUT does anyone care NO ..
We will celebrate this great mans Birthday and what not, but do we seek to follow his example. No we do not. He chose a noble path and walked it no matter what came he lost friends aloved ones and still he did'ny compromise his vaues.
What do we do now to a man who would follow such a path...... We MOCK him call him impotent or a coward or we will say he his silly .. how ill bred of us to celebrate Mahtama on one hand and to ridicule those who would follow his doctrine in the other.
There is nothing to be gained by continuing violence.. some may argue that defending your loved ones is only just .. That is true but in the grander picture it may not be so.. At least defend by all means. BUT FOR GODSAKE TRY TO RESOLVE DIFFERENCES PEACEFULLY. discuss come to a compromise. Set aside petty pride and anger all other emotions .. or at LEAST TRY TO..
Life is short and its to precious to be wasted bickering arguing and fighting with each other..
Peace onto all mankind
Posted by
8:46 AM
As i put this down I am walking on a different plane far from reality for thesefew moments I am very content and happy. I cant explain it. It as if i have been transported away from the usual drudgery and all my cares and fears replaced by this sense that everythin will be alright. It feels good to be where I am even though part of me knows it wont last and that to dally in this place to long is not wise. for any one knows that you have to keep your wits about you at all times.
Yet it is refreshing to be in this Never never land inside my head. These fits of giddy joy are like a natural drug that eases your mind and body,if only everyone would partake in this outlet within their minds the world might seems a less hectic place. Maybe it is that they lack a trigger to set them on the road to this place or mayhap they have forgotten to find it within their minds.
AS for me recenlty a friends of mine helped me to find my way back to my never never land.. this friend gave me back happy thoughts which lift me up in to the air and let me fly in a world full of joy and laughter. but this time i knw better than to be caugt up in the moment.. something that most people do .. as the saying goes "To much of a good thing is never good ".. be that as it may at least for a lil while its nice 2 dream about possiblities that might never come through ..
I mean whats the point in life if you cant be a bit of a hopeless romantic at heart..(Just a lil bit though )
Posted by
8:49 AM
As i put this down I am walking on a different plane far from reality for thesefew moments I am very content and happy. I cant explain it. It as if i have been transported away from the usual drudgery and all my cares and fears replaced by this sense that everythin will be alright. It feels good to be where I am even though part of me knows it wont last and that to dally in this place to long is not wise. for any one knows that you have to keep your wits about you at all times.
Yet it is refreshing to be in this Never never land inside my head. These fits of giddy joy are like a natural drug that eases your mind and body,if only everyone would partake in this outlet within their minds the world might seems a less hectic place. Maybe it is that they lack a trigger to set them on the road to this place or mayhap they have forgotten to find it within their minds.
AS for me recenlty a friends of mine helped me to find my way back to my never never land.. this friend gave me back happy thoughts which lift me up in to the air and let me fly in a world full of joy and laughter. but this time i knw better than to be caugt up in the moment.. something that most people do .. as the saying goes "To much of a good thing is never good ".. be that as it may at least for a lil while its nice 2 dream about possiblities that might never come through ..
I mean whats the point in life if you cant be a bit of a hopeless romantic at heart..(Just a lil bit though )
Posted by
8:49 AM
These are two words which could solve alot of problems in the world, Umoja is the swahili word for Unity and Heshima Is the word fro respect. Now it is said that man is the most advanced species on earth because he of all creatures on this earth has the ability of creatibe intellectand the ability to adapt and evlove with the times.. And most of all he was able to suppress most animal instincts and use them to his advantage. But somewhere along the way we have strayed from the aprt and now we are no better than the common ape in the jungle infact the average chimp is propably more moral than the average human. what are we but advanced apes with technolgy and flashu gadgtes which we use to inflict pain on each other due to our in ability to resolve petty squabbles and differences in views and religion, opinions etc. We are sadly unable to unite or respect each other at least a majority of us anyway. and I am as guilty as you are.
Religion was established not to glory in god aalone . it was the one thinmg that set us apart from the animals. It was instituted to lead and inspire man to greater achiebements and quell is natural animalistic desires o. but sadly this does not happen in the name of religion some off histories greatest atrocities have been committed .. Let me be clear on one point this is in no way the religions fault the falut lies in mans own interpretation which he was coloured by his greed and selfishnes.
You might be wondering why I am voicing my opinions thus.. well the simple reason is this Religion is but only one of the many reasons we humans fight each other. In the country I come fromthere are 3 main languages one of which is English the other 2 being spoken by 2 different racial groups aS they put it.. (There another thing that really bugs me whta with this whole race thing do not all of us belong to the human race.. why do we fracture ourselves by dividing our brother by the colour of their skin, the religion they follow and the tounge they speak, we further divide by the place they come from , the amount of money they have etc.. divide divide divide thats all we do .. IT MAKES ME SICK )
wEll back to my story in my country we have been fightin a civil war which was sparked due to differences between the 2 opther language speakers.. sure they might have been other reasons but the lack of understanding and mutual respect was the leading cause for hostilities. anyway tht aside .. now our people are looking towards peaces after a near 20 years of bloddshed.. you wpuld think that having realised theire mistakes people would take steps to seperate religionand language brriers and seek integration ..well no they dont what they sek is to further widen thhe chasm between eah other..
Just this week a group of one of the previously mentionedsuppose racial groups wanted to organize a religiuos observance related to them which was all fine .. until they brought up the reason.. Supposedly our Uni only celbrates christmas ad that not accpetable because ther are other religions at The Uni.. This argument is flawed beacaue there only celebration at Uni for x'mas in the christmas party and there is nothing religious about it. This just shows this group is just trying to cause problems by bringing in traditions that will just spark friction between groups at uni I mean FOR ONCE CAN WE LEAVE RELIGION OUTSIDE AND NOT BRING IT IN WE ARE HER TO LEARN NOT BLOODY RUN AROUND DOING OTHER STUFF.
The absolute worse part is that the gropu organizing say this is a religious observance and then they want 2 have a party afterwards the utter gall of these cretin they would bastarsize the solemnity of the occasion with such frivolous display shows that their intentions are not what they say them to be..
Now I am not the most religious person butI say in these hallowed halls of learning let us leave aside all this rubbish of language , cast , creed and race .. and find Umoja and Heshima for each otheR
Frankly I believe without unity our race is doomed for early extinction and well maybe thtats a good thing..
Posted by
8:50 AM
Yipdee DooDaa.. Handed in the last project for the semester .. Finally free from project deadlines and report writing until the next semster at least :D..
it was nightmare trying to meet multiple project dealines this semester.. Late night report writing sessions getting up the next day for presentations was all harrowing but interesting at the sametime.The most important lesson i'm waling away with is TIME MANAGEMENT, Truth be told I wated tme haning out and having fun when i should have been working on project stuff came back to bite me when it came time to meet deadlines and what not... I need to priortize my work and enjoy myself at the same time.. Because othewise University woul just be boring GRIN...
On the up side got to know some off my bacth mates very well and shared some hilarious times with them.. All in all it was a fun 1st semester and well on with the second i guess
Posted by
10:51 PM
I completed my PDP last friday . it only dealt with goals and objectives related to The ICT Practitioner module. but it made me reakise something well actually it made me remember somthing. It reminded me that without a vision and a goal in life a person is very lost.. Ok i realise what i said is very DUH. but bear with me for a moment. How many of us actualy knw exactly what we want and where we want to be how mant of us have set realistic goals for our selves I'm not saying dont dream or dont aim for the stars. what I mean is that what ever your dream you should first break it diwn into relaistic chunks and complete each. I'm talking about your grand strategy to achieve your crazy imaginative and totaly acceptable dream..
many peope dream big dreams but they do not make them real. its not a falut to dream big the falut lies in nit plannin properlt and not adapting your plan to change. People will point to tycoons and other great achievers and say " they are where they are because they dares to dream" but i'm pretty sure they managed their achievements because they had a good plan.
I used to have a plan but somewhere along the way i lost sight of it . so ryt now i dont have a long trem plan and that scares me.
But after this PDP thing i'm starting to piece together a dream an idea a plan. I will build my plan and make it realistic and achieve it.
But planning is never easy . But this must be said one should always have a plan even if its a bad one .
Posted by
10:32 PM