The second coming
It has been quite awhile since, I last posted. Like a true procrastinator I have a list of perfectly good reasons for not posting :D.
- The hectic preparations for my final year
- Working on my final year project
- Studying for exams etc....
the list goes on and on, the simple truth I was just too lazy and completely devoid of the drive to write blog posts (Most of my drive went into fleshing out my lengthy long winding project report with the C*** necessary to impress my markers and garner marks necessary to pass).
To deviate slightly lets all be honest with ourselves most undergraduate reports being full of C*** is the rule not the exception. Although those of us who write the reports, like to pretend that we have made a great contribution to the human knowledge pool and made a bold difference like Archimedes or Plato. The truth is most of the reports end up gathering dust on a shelf in a library , only to be opened by other final year students looking to rip off the words (paraphrase XD) written by you (which you also in all probability ripped off from some one else) to make up for time lost fooling around instead of writing their own thesis. I like to call this "Paraphrasingtitis" or better known as the " Circle of report cribbing".
Enough with my ramblings about report writing. I have missed blogging, my experiences over the past year the late nights at college, the antics of lecturers , and last minute rushing to finish assignment etc... would have made quite interesting posts. In the end with all the anxiety of my final year, I can safely say I walk away with some funny and good memories with my best friends from college . Alas all good things must come to an end, all of us graduated I actually did much better than I expected. Sad as I was about not seeing my friends, I looked forward to starting my career and my climb to the top as it were. I have learned that plans are good for the 5 seconds before reality sets in, so your best option is to roll with it.
I am happy to say that I found employment , still getting a bead on what I need to do. I will make it work though. I really hope to spend more time blogging, lots to talk about, job , politics, reminiscing etc....
I am happy to say that I found employment