
Monday, March 02, 2009

A Year gone by

Its quite clear that I cant stick to a routine , its been nearly a year since I posted anything. I would love to say that I was so busy with worldly affairs that I did not have even a single nano second to devote to this. That would be a bold faced lie. It was more a case of being to lazy and distracted and suffering from writers block . Alot has happened over the last 12 months.

I've been interning for 6 months ( an honset to god working man :D) , I've also been in a meaningful relationship for nearly a year ( it suprises me to see myself write that) , life has been pretty good.

The novelty of coming to work has not worn off, it has dimmed but not gone out all together. The experiances I have had are priceless and most of them are the kind that will make lovely stories at dinner parties :)

I know not how long my return to the blogosphere will last, hopefully it'll work out this time , but u never know life is full of suprises