
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Success with Custom templates

Finally today in the afternoon I managed to make this template I found work !.. I fixed it up for my test blog and during the week hope to have it up on this blog.. Ok too any ardent bloggers who will shrug and call me a loser.. it might be easy for You but it was tough for me. with blogger going and changing some stuff about template formats.
I felt a great sense of jubilation when the template finally looked like it should today.. Here is the link where I found the template..
check it out there are plenty of templates out there and a guide to get you started on setting up and running with the new ones.. I will post a guide of some tips I found while trying to get my template to work.. :) this is my test blog check out the template and let me know what you think..
test blog

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Stage craft.

The reason for 2 week absence was due to the myriad of assignments I had to complete. Sad to say I still have not finished them.. It all comes back down to my being distracted easily..:P.. The IIT talent show Stage Craft 2008 was a blast. With B'n'S on stage and with our brand of comedy on stage it was a roller coaster of fun from start to finish. I was backstage working with the lights and stage managing , it was like being back in school.. had loads of fun.. I want to thank all the back stage crew for being there and helping out.. except for the part where we were swearing over the intercom..

Right now I'm trying to edit this new template and get it too work. So far have'nt been successful with it :(.. will update with new development..