The hatching pen
A wise man once said "You cannot blame the tree of the seed from which it sprung was rotten". this is something people seem to forget. Everyone of us in this country complain about corrupt and power hungry politicians and their seemingly inability too unite, some among us look at this predicament in wonder and try to theorize the reason behind such behavior. After witnessing the farce of an election process which was undertaken to appoint a student governing body for a particular educational institute I think we should cease our armchair reasoning and wake up to the facts. which are that
Our very nexuses of education are the points where this bloodthirsty and seemingly boorish political behavior comes to the fore. I mean if a group of 20 year old students have problems trying 2 elect a governing body , should we expect any better from the nation at large, If the future generation themselves cant handle the concept of power how can we expect any better of those we elect to parliament. Let me make it perfectly clear there is no single wrong doer amongst the above student body, what ever that occured was due to a failure off the collective nothing more nothing less.
If as students our generation can not understand the true importance of power and simply clamour for itso that they might wield it to their advantage without understanding the responsiblities and niceties that go with it. how can we as a nation hope for a better tomorrow. Truthfully I was made part of the proceedings , but I do not think the actions of most involved where correct. Not only did this situation throw in to light the sheer ineptitude of my generation when it comes to power, it also showed how little our generation has progressed in terms of being able to enter into a dialog to sort our the problems that arise between various factions. this inability to have open discussion is dangerous when coupled with the our lack of understanding of power. any hope for lasting peace goes out the window when such a situation arises.
There is no point in laying the blame. But a several questions nag at my consciousness
where did society go wrong?
can we change the future?.... what can we do? .. who do we look towards for guidance?..
The problem is obviously in the hatching pen of society. we must cleanse it or watch our country slide into ruin...
I think I know what I will do.. what will you do ?