
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The wonderful world of layouts

Aloha! friends and visitors....
Been busy at college trying to figure out UML and SQL (YES we do some seriously hardcore stuff at uni GRIN) with the semester nearing completion we are rushing around finishing up or trying to finish up coursework.. truthfully some of us have not even started on the given assignments but no worries all will be well after some late night brainstorming sessions at Uni. Anyway I was trying to finish up some tutorials for my database lectures and it was about 1am in the morning I was feeling restless but did'nt feel like doing any thing serious either.. so having nothing better to do i went to my hi5 and was checking out some of my friends profile and comparing their happening profile layouts to my boring one , I decided that my profile had long been neglected enough , I visited some of the sites offering all those flashy texts and funky plugins for hi5 layouts and checked them out, and I'll tell you there are whole heap of them out there.. while trawling through these sites I came across this particular website that offered to generate you own custom profile , which ws interesting seeing that some of the premade ones on offer are already used by about a thousand other people.. thinking a one custom profile would give my profile a more individual look I decided to try my hand at generating my own profile.. the generator was a godsend because it freed me off the pesky task of writing lenghty HTML code which I truly suck at (its all those goddamn tags .. I cannot for the love of god keep track of them ).. anyways I made my first profile and uploaded it and fell in live with my handiwork :D .. So I thought"why not make another one".. big mistake ... to date I've lost count of the number of profiles I have created IT IS ADDICTIVE ..
Basically I'm blissfully losing myself in Layout land.. Its quite simple actually you search for a background image that suits your taste or you can upload an image to a photobucket account and then go to the online editor add the image and then select a colour scheme that you like.. after this its you creativity that comes into play.. you can get lost in all this for hours .. god knows I did.. but its all good fun ... any one interested in custom layout should visit pimpmyprofile
or Hi5decor..
But be warned you might find yourself up at ungodly hours editing layouts.... have fun and be creative...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Criss crossing the water divide

My mom once told me when I was throwing a rebellious teenage hormone driven triade at her for some obscure and stupid issue that "no man is an Island".. at the time I thought yeah right to myself and set out to try and prove her wrong( ahh the follies of early teen years GRIN).. so I tried to distance myself from people completely and basically become the human version if Greenland. That worked for awhile but as happens in often in life .. a major spanner was thrown in to my works and well long story short I left the safety of my island exsistence and sought ompanionship with someone .. that turned out into a complete farce due to reason which I could have controlled but did'nt due to the fact I was to caught up in the moment (I think i've said this before).. well anyway after being burned by my experiance I again retreated to my island sanctuary vowing never to leave it again to spare my self from being hurt.. this was not a prudent move and just lead to me brooding and beating myself up for no reason.. The point I am trying to make by relating all this is . that isolating ones self from soceity is not the answer. You must exsist within it as a free entity who interacts with it for mutual benefit for both him and society... That was whole bunch of academic talk was'nt it .. hers what I think simply..
Building yourself an island hideaway from the world is fine .. but you should not withdraw it to it completely and cut yourself of from people.. being self reliant is a good idea but when you need it the most you should be able to turn to people for help otherwise your just putting yourself through alot of hardships for nothing. YOUR ISLAND WITHIN YOURSELF should be your stronghold form whence you launch yourself into life and it should be for you alone. basically if you want be an islad and build you keep upon it .. but make sure you are able and not afraid to cross the water to other isalnds and establish realtions with them.. It So you can be an Island but you should not be an island cut off from the world .. like the mighty sea captains of yore you must set out to chart the waters around you and establish ties with you neighbourig islands. Therefore what my mum was trying to tell me was essentially right.. It just took me awhile to understand it (The story of my life GRIN)