
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Union of Spirit

In Greek mythology .. Humans were supposed to have initially had 4 arm , 4 legs and a single head with 2 faces but Zeus fearing the power they enjoyed by being embodied thus .. split them in half and condemned man to spend his day searching for the half to seek completeness of soul...
Another myth tells us of the importance of the union of both male and female souls to maintain balance of life.. and through this union both persona achieved growth and development on phenomenal levels..
Which brings me to what I'm trying 2 say ... Males in our society are perceived as being stronger than women.. but is that really the truth .. Are we superior or better than them.. I do not think so .. I believe that we both have roles to play each have their own strengths and weakness .. and the strengths and weaknesses in both compliment each other such that when there is union of male and female in spirit the two of them can surmount any obstacle in their path.. I do not write this with any sense of romance in fact i am in a dismal mood right now.. (A story for another time).. anyway my point is this .. the union of male and female may not necessarily be in a romantic sense . it might involve a friendship as well .. the core of it is that both people help each other and they may feel complete around each other and that is something all of us should wish for.. I am not saying that people are incapable without finding the other half of them.. it is just that.. and life for them might be a bit more sweeter.. (That maybe a romantic notion but then it just might be true :)
If two people can find this balance of spirit between each other .. I think just maybe together they could change their part of the world and in doing so influence greater change in the world.. being alone in spirit is not the most pleasurable thing in the world although we do seek solitude often in life , but prolong this solitude and you will find that life no longer hold the prospects it did.. But if you find a kindred spirit even for a brief moment .. that moment might stretch for an eternity and life for that moment may seem filled with possibility.... it is a great thing to find your other half.. and today i AM the happiest because one of my best friends has found his kindred spirit and that spirit to is a friend of mine ..
I hope that both of them carry on and light the way for the rest of us who are not as fortunate as they are .. may their bond give the rest of us the hope we need to get through life.. and may the two of them find and keep the delicate balance of spirit between each other.. so that they might change the world together.. R and E .. this one is for you...
So basically its this .. if u should ever find a kindred spirit try 2 find and keep the delicate balance of spirit and soul .. and together face the world beyond the two of you ...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Cupids arrow

mythology tells us of cupid an innocent cherub who wreaks havoc on the hearts of moratls by firing an arrow which inuces love between people of the oposite sex..
that aside .. its impossible to say who you will like and when you will start to like someone.. Not to say that it is completly beyond our contol.but mostly it happens like a lighting strike out f the blue.. Cynical though i maybe.. in truth I do not totally despise the idea of love and all that it entails.. some days it means everythn to be able to step back and daydream a little about that special someone you like so much :)..
Mostly I do not think that cupid is totaly to blame.. I think ultimately the ball is in our court .. ok so maybe love at first sight is farfetched .. but love may spring from the bond between to people .. of course this bond must be special .. And i think this bond is called friendship .. now that does'nt mean that every guy will start falling for all his friends who happen to be girls or that a girl will fall for all her guy friends.. But every now and then for each party there will come along a friend who is both special and more than a friend to them .. it may be apparent from the start or it will become clear in time.. but whatever the sequence of events .. the basic idea is this.. Unlike puppy love and all the other romantic notions this sought off relationship has a firm foundation from which it can launch itself and that foundation is layed every day by the two friends coming closer to each other and sharing life together,, but still managing to keep each others individuality intact.

I guess when this sought off thing happens between friends it is both a wonderful and ugly thing .. because on one hand there is the opportunity of enriching each others lives and on the otherhand they may fear that all this might ruin their friendship and lead to them losing a cherished friendship... Now what should be done is up to the individuals involved ..let me share some of my thoughts with you ...
I think that a relationship which has friendship as its basis is stronger because of that.. becasue then is some degree of understanding between the two people at least.. and if two friends should end up in this situation and if they r good friends they should be able to discuss it and come to some sought of resolution..
but anyway bottom line cupids arrow sometimes has help from us.. and well i u shuld fall for sum1 remember ... understanding and respect r key for the relationshuip to survive ... oh and patience to GRIN

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


In 1930 an a former lawyer in India led over a thousand follower to peacefullyy protest a tax imposed on salt by The british who ruled Indai at the time. With this act he initiated the peaceful protest againast tyranny by massive civil disobediance- Satyagraha

With His simple principles Mathma Gandhi sowed the seeds that eventually saw India gain independence. No what I have to say is not about independce .. The world over Gandhi is admired and The name spoken with repect , yet we do not try to hold to his belief not about civil disobediance.. for Mahatma taught more than that or his charater exemplified more than that.. Gandhi showed that even resistance can be doen [passively and peacefully. he showed us the virtue of patience and the virtue of thining peacfully .. Why can we no t follow his example.. never did he condone acts of violence even if they were in the name of freedom neither did he condone violent debate. He believed in peaceful resolution at all costs.. Why did he think thus .. I would like to believe that Mahatma gandhi realized or saw that the only lasting solutions can be found through peaceful dialouge. nearly 70 years have passed what have we to show for It NOTHING . we have a whole bunch of gadgtes. but as human beings are we any where close to the vision gandhi had a vision shared by Martin luther, Nelson Mandela etc.. NO WE ARE NOT we have globe torn asunder by war . we have countries being turned inside out by internal bickerings.. Humanity suffersBUT does anyone care NO ..
We will celebrate this great mans Birthday and what not, but do we seek to follow his example. No we do not. He chose a noble path and walked it no matter what came he lost friends aloved ones and still he did'ny compromise his vaues.
What do we do now to a man who would follow such a path...... We MOCK him call him impotent or a coward or we will say he his silly .. how ill bred of us to celebrate Mahtama on one hand and to ridicule those who would follow his doctrine in the other.
There is nothing to be gained by continuing violence.. some may argue that defending your loved ones is only just .. That is true but in the grander picture it may not be so.. At least defend by all means. BUT FOR GODSAKE TRY TO RESOLVE DIFFERENCES PEACEFULLY. discuss come to a compromise. Set aside petty pride and anger all other emotions .. or at LEAST TRY TO..
Life is short and its to precious to be wasted bickering arguing and fighting with each other..
Peace onto all mankind

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Never never land

As i put this down I am walking on a different plane far from reality for thesefew moments I am very content and happy. I cant explain it. It as if i have been transported away from the usual drudgery and all my cares and fears replaced by this sense that everythin will be alright. It feels good to be where I am even though part of me knows it wont last and that to dally in this place to long is not wise. for any one knows that you have to keep your wits about you at all times.
Yet it is refreshing to be in this Never never land inside my head. These fits of giddy joy are like a natural drug that eases your mind and body,if only everyone would partake in this outlet within their minds the world might seems a less hectic place. Maybe it is that they lack a trigger to set them on the road to this place or mayhap they have forgotten to find it within their minds.
AS for me recenlty a friends of mine helped me to find my way back to my never never land.. this friend gave me back happy thoughts which lift me up in to the air and let me fly in a world full of joy and laughter. but this time i knw better than to be caugt up in the moment.. something that most people do .. as the saying goes "To much of a good thing is never good ".. be that as it may at least for a lil while its nice 2 dream about possiblities that might never come through ..
I mean whats the point in life if you cant be a bit of a hopeless romantic at heart..(Just a lil bit though )

Never never land

As i put this down I am walking on a different plane far from reality for thesefew moments I am very content and happy. I cant explain it. It as if i have been transported away from the usual drudgery and all my cares and fears replaced by this sense that everythin will be alright. It feels good to be where I am even though part of me knows it wont last and that to dally in this place to long is not wise. for any one knows that you have to keep your wits about you at all times.
Yet it is refreshing to be in this Never never land inside my head. These fits of giddy joy are like a natural drug that eases your mind and body,if only everyone would partake in this outlet within their minds the world might seems a less hectic place. Maybe it is that they lack a trigger to set them on the road to this place or mayhap they have forgotten to find it within their minds.
AS for me recenlty a friends of mine helped me to find my way back to my never never land.. this friend gave me back happy thoughts which lift me up in to the air and let me fly in a world full of joy and laughter. but this time i knw better than to be caugt up in the moment.. something that most people do .. as the saying goes "To much of a good thing is never good ".. be that as it may at least for a lil while its nice 2 dream about possiblities that might never come through ..
I mean whats the point in life if you cant be a bit of a hopeless romantic at heart..(Just a lil bit though )

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Umoja!! , Heshima

These are two words which could solve alot of problems in the world, Umoja is the swahili word for Unity and Heshima Is the word fro respect. Now it is said that man is the most advanced species on earth because he of all creatures on this earth has the ability of creatibe intellectand the ability to adapt and evlove with the times.. And most of all he was able to suppress most animal instincts and use them to his advantage. But somewhere along the way we have strayed from the aprt and now we are no better than the common ape in the jungle infact the average chimp is propably more moral than the average human. what are we but advanced apes with technolgy and flashu gadgtes which we use to inflict pain on each other due to our in ability to resolve petty squabbles and differences in views and religion, opinions etc. We are sadly unable to unite or respect each other at least a majority of us anyway. and I am as guilty as you are.

Religion was established not to glory in god aalone . it was the one thinmg that set us apart from the animals. It was instituted to lead and inspire man to greater achiebements and quell is natural animalistic desires o. but sadly this does not happen in the name of religion some off histories greatest atrocities have been committed .. Let me be clear on one point this is in no way the religions fault the falut lies in mans own interpretation which he was coloured by his greed and selfishnes.
You might be wondering why I am voicing my opinions thus.. well the simple reason is this Religion is but only one of the many reasons we humans fight each other. In the country I come fromthere are 3 main languages one of which is English the other 2 being spoken by 2 different racial groups aS they put it.. (There another thing that really bugs me whta with this whole race thing do not all of us belong to the human race.. why do we fracture ourselves by dividing our brother by the colour of their skin, the religion they follow and the tounge they speak, we further divide by the place they come from , the amount of money they have etc.. divide divide divide thats all we do .. IT MAKES ME SICK )
wEll back to my story in my country we have been fightin a civil war which was sparked due to differences between the 2 opther language speakers.. sure they might have been other reasons but the lack of understanding and mutual respect was the leading cause for hostilities. anyway tht aside .. now our people are looking towards peaces after a near 20 years of bloddshed.. you wpuld think that having realised theire mistakes people would take steps to seperate religionand language brriers and seek integration ..well no they dont what they sek is to further widen thhe chasm between eah other..
Just this week a group of one of the previously mentionedsuppose racial groups wanted to organize a religiuos observance related to them which was all fine .. until they brought up the reason.. Supposedly our Uni only celbrates christmas ad that not accpetable because ther are other religions at The Uni.. This argument is flawed beacaue there only celebration at Uni for x'mas in the christmas party and there is nothing religious about it. This just shows this group is just trying to cause problems by bringing in traditions that will just spark friction between groups at uni I mean FOR ONCE CAN WE LEAVE RELIGION OUTSIDE AND NOT BRING IT IN WE ARE HER TO LEARN NOT BLOODY RUN AROUND DOING OTHER STUFF.
The absolute worse part is that the gropu organizing say this is a religious observance and then they want 2 have a party afterwards the utter gall of these cretin they would bastarsize the solemnity of the occasion with such frivolous display shows that their intentions are not what they say them to be..
Now I am not the most religious person butI say in these hallowed halls of learning let us leave aside all this rubbish of language , cast , creed and race .. and find Umoja and Heshima for each otheR
Frankly I believe without unity our race is doomed for early extinction and well maybe thtats a good thing..

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sweet Freedom

Yipdee DooDaa.. Handed in the last project for the semester .. Finally free from project deadlines and report writing until the next semster at least :D..
it was nightmare trying to meet multiple project dealines this semester.. Late night report writing sessions getting up the next day for presentations was all harrowing but interesting at the sametime.The most important lesson i'm waling away with is TIME MANAGEMENT, Truth be told I wated tme haning out and having fun when i should have been working on project stuff came back to bite me when it came time to meet deadlines and what not... I need to priortize my work and enjoy myself at the same time.. Because othewise University woul just be boring GRIN...
On the up side got to know some off my bacth mates very well and shared some hilarious times with them.. All in all it was a fun 1st semester and well on with the second i guess

(The Lovely Ladies )

(The team Doing god knws wat)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Vision and a plan

I completed my PDP last friday . it only dealt with goals and objectives related to The ICT Practitioner module. but it made me reakise something well actually it made me remember somthing. It reminded me that without a vision and a goal in life a person is very lost.. Ok i realise what i said is very DUH. but bear with me for a moment. How many of us actualy knw exactly what we want and where we want to be how mant of us have set realistic goals for our selves I'm not saying dont dream or dont aim for the stars. what I mean is that what ever your dream you should first break it diwn into relaistic chunks and complete each. I'm talking about your grand strategy to achieve your crazy imaginative and totaly acceptable dream..
many peope dream big dreams but they do not make them real. its not a falut to dream big the falut lies in nit plannin properlt and not adapting your plan to change. People will point to tycoons and other great achievers and say " they are where they are because they dares to dream" but i'm pretty sure they managed their achievements because they had a good plan.
I used to have a plan but somewhere along the way i lost sight of it . so ryt now i dont have a long trem plan and that scares me.
But after this PDP thing i'm starting to piece together a dream an idea a plan. I will build my plan and make it realistic and achieve it.
But planning is never easy . But this must be said one should always have a plan even if its a bad one .