Try ,Try and Try again
Today was a rather uneventful day. So as usual i was lazing about at home chatting with friends. After being a rather uneasy third wheel in converstaion involving 2 of my friends. I suddenly relaised how incomplete the phrase
"Try , Try and try again"I mean not taking away from the important message it conveys and all, but when you think about it practically it leaves out another important idea which shuld be related to it The idea of Trying a different approach each time. To often in life we come up against a barrier , obstacle , bump on the road or simply put a situtation which really throws a monkey wrench in to the machinatiom of your daily life. It is your actions in this situation that sets you apart from the rest of the pack.
It takes courage , valour and a strong heart and mind to face these situation and to win.Now you may not win all the time but its importanat you keep trying to win . Nut most importantly one must not stick with one plan and try to batter your way through the problem because you may see little success or worse that approach may cost you dearly in the long run. So trying varied approaches to the problem is key because it allows you a greater chance of success plus more importantly it Allows you to gain more understanding of yourself and of your strengths and limitations.
ANOTHER point to remember is one must never be pig headed and one must be able to handle defeat as a hero would with your head held high and one must be openminded to the opportunity to sidestep these obstacles when its is clear thatsurmounting them might be to costly.
Intelligence , courage, strength and Honor are virtues which should be cultivated in the new gneration.