
Monday, August 27, 2007

Friends.. or just acquaintances

Growing up in society you constantly told that making friends is important and you must pick them carefully. So as you go through life you pick up alot of friends and some of them stick with you through your long journey but most fall by the way side. going on to follow their own paths.
Is friendship that important. do they not harm your individual existence. I mean in this country especially after you get into a click of friends they expect you too conform to the group standard. True you became part of the group because you did conform , but times change and so do people right. I say this because I noticed my friends doing the same thing. they want you to do this and that and they have fun but too you its just a lame exercise ..
I understand doing things as a group but it thought groups of friends were suppose to understand each other and relate to each other. So it seems to me that people who call themselves friends but take away from your individuality are not friends but acquaintances.
Maybe in life we never really have friends or maybe we just have a few true friends who we truly relate too. or maybe i'm just anti-social and dysfunctional and have got it all wrong.
What do you think.

island heat

I dont think the recent weather in my Island home qualifies has a heat wave.. but man it has gotten quite hot.. and with the heat the an assortment of skin irritant and boils seem 2 erupt out of no where. The strange thing is the places these things come up in are so weird and random. i think it maybe payback for all the times I laughed at my friends when they suffered from boils and so on. Anyway itchy scratchy aside. I did enjoy the weekend . spent some time with some of my bro's friends playing board games and noting down some strange behavior in 25 - 26 year olds.
You know how when your small it was always about fighting to stay up late as much as you can .. Well growing does'nt seem to change that except instead of just staying up its about staying up and staying out of the house as long as you can. Over the weekend I came home at around 3 am and felt all aglow inside, I swear I even had a lil spring in my step.. maybe the novelty of this will wear of in time or maybe It was the island getting to me ..

Monday, August 20, 2007

Color hexcodes

Hey to all you bloggers who want to know particular color codes to use in customizing your blog design heres a good site to check out

it helped me alot ..(pls take note of my new font color.. :D)

any comments about the new font color or comments about my post is appreciated

Motoring Sl style!!!! Honk Honk!

You don't truly realize how messed up motorists in Sri Lanka are until you get behind the wheel. As a veteran traveler of the preferred public transport system in SL aka Buses I did know that well something was a miss :D. But last Sunday I truly gained a whole new insight in to the matter.
As a new driver (I got my license two months ago, but we all know how strict the driving test in the country is right WINK) I still have much to learn as my father says so often. In a break of tradition my dad decided to let me drive for a longer stretch than normal along the negambo road, Seeing that it was sunday and past 2:00pm i figured "what could go wrong" and prepared my self for nice stroll of a drive...boy was I wrong.
5 mins in to the drive out of no where a three wheeler materializes out of no where and cuts in front of me the innocent driver who was sticking to the speed limit. that miscreant has the gall to show me a certain finger and ask me where I was going(i of course could not frame suitable reply bcoz 1) my father was next to me 2) I was having kittens trying to break and avoid stalling the car). then there was the bus that decide to accelerate when i was trying to turn across the road(that one really made my blood run cold). i could go on foreve about my drive. bUt ultimately I came to several conclusions

  1. drivers in this country have no courtesy or patience to speak of
  2. everyone of them seems to have either not gone for proper instruction or have forgotten everything they were taught
  3. being an obedient driver is a sure fire way to hear people describe your family tree :D
  4. Driving for relaxation is out of the question(I'm going to go for a walk instead)
  5. I need to forget all my rules and just drive an dpray i dont hit anyone :D
  6. next time any one is driving and some idiot pasess you doin nasty hand movements and swearing it might be ME!!!

all in all people I think professionla racers should be trained in Sl coz we do not require any special facilities.. the current roads system coupled with the manic drivers is quite enough :d
to those who do drive happy Driving and Be drive Safe(hope you have Insurance )
And remeber when in doubt of in danger or basically to drive Honk! :D

Friday, August 17, 2007

TIPHow to adjust the width of your blog post

I am still a novice to blogging and an am still leaning the ropes as it were. I came across this nifty trick that I used on another blog I'm using to display java projects I do for My SCJP certification process( this particular blog the space or width of my blog post was not enough to display the content I uploaded.After doing a Google search I cam across a method of adjusting the CSS template IT is quite straight forward.

Go to your dash board and click on the "Layout" tab and then on the "Template" tab you should then see the CSS template of your blog.. I'm sure you will be familiar with these steps, but in the spirit of trying to be through please bear with me :).
Before you do anything SAVE A COPY OF YOUR TEMPLATE in case of any mishap..
Now in your template sroll thrugh it looking for a section of the code that looks like whats given below

#main-wrapper {
background: $mainBgColor url("") no-repeat right top;
#main {
padding:15px 20px;
#sidebar-wrapper {
background:$sidebarBgColor url("") no-repeat left top;

in the above coding I've marked to lines in red these two lines set the width of your columns the one which comes under "main wrapper" is the one which controls the width of your blog You are free to set it to any amount so long as the sum of the post width and the side bar width are less than the total blog width

well after that you can experiment an dsee what works for you ..happy blogging people
Before I forget.. i should give credit to peter chen for having the original post on ow to this editing for more info GO TO HIS blog (

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Technorati Profile

I added myself to technorati:D

been a long time

I've been away from my blog abouut a month.. and sad too say I cannot blame a busy schedule for keeping me from blogging... I don't really know why .. but I didn't feel driven to do anything about this blog. It all comes down to me not being able to see something through to the end.. without some one holding my nose to it.. it shames me to admit it but I cannot run from it any longer.. Well wallowing in self pity will get me no where..

today was a day spent at home recuperating from all the running around I did the day before, the day before I went with a friend to watch rush hour 3 followed by a couple of rounds of pool with some friends.. it was a fun day although it did drain a lot of my cash reserves.. What can I say life is getting expensive. (I really need to get a job :D)..

A word of advice too those planning an outing with friends, if you can get one of your friends who has a car to bring it along . you can save time that way.
oh and abpout rush hour .. I recommebd the film too all those who want a good laugh ..